Storage Gateway Options (Text Version) md format

					# AWS S3 Storage Gateway Backup Solution

## Create Gateway using AWS Console

### Parameters

- Name Gateway

- Set time zone

- Select Gateway Type

	- Amazon S3 File Gateway

	- Amazon FSx File Gateway

	- Tape Gateway

	- Volume Gateway

- Choose volume type

	- Cached volumes

	- Stored volumes

### Platform options

- Option - VMware ESXi

- Option - Amazon EC2

- Option -Linux KVM

- Option - Microsoft Hyper-V

- Option - Hardware appliance

### Gateway connection options

- IP address

- Activation key (For Appliance)

### Endpoint options

- Publicly accessible

- VPC hosted

## File Gateway Settings

### SMB security settings

- Security level

	- Enforce encryption

	- Enforce signing

	- Client negotiated

- Active Directory settings

	- Domain name

	- Domain user

	- Domain password

	- Organizational unit (OU) - optional

	- Domain controller(s) (DC) - optional

- guest access settings

	- Guest password

- File share visibility settings

	- (Yes | No)

### bandwidth rate limit schedule

- Upload rate

- Days of week

- Start time

- End time

### Maintenance window start time

- Schedule

- Day of the week

- Time (HH:MM)

### Configure cache storage

### Set local console password

## Volume Gateway

### Create ISCSI Volume

- Configure CHAP authentication

	- Initiator name

	- Initiator secret

	- Target secret

	- Target name
### Connect Volume (info)

- [Client Config Link](

## From Running Gateway - Create New

### Create tapes

### Create volume (GW Needed)

### Create file share

### Attach FSx file system

- Attach FSx file system

	- Choose gateway

### Create New File Gateway

## Create Local Endpoint Gateway

### Download via console 

- Option - VMware ESXi

- Option -Linux KVM

- Option - Microsoft Hyper-V

### Import or copy to hypervisor

### Set Hypervisor Parameters

- RAM - 16 Gig Min

- Root Partition default is 40 Gig 

- vCPU 4

- +1  add Hard Disk 150 Gig Min

### Launch VM | Login default

- User: admin

- Password: password

### Alter Gateway IP Address

- Set Static IP on local LAN

### From AWS console conf device

- Set Device IP address

- Set Device Cache HD

- Set new user/password

- Setup Share S3 Bucket

- Setup Share target on remote

	- Option - SMB

	- Option - NFS

- Set Directory Service

	- Guest access share

	- Active Directory Domain

## AWS VPC Demo Method

### Tower Landing Zone

- Create new AWS account

	- Default VPC

		- WorkSpaces DaaS

			- Virtual Desktop

				- Link to Share

			- Simple Directory Service

		- File Gateway

			- EC2

				- SMB File Share

			- Link GW to S3

		- S3 Bucket

		- Terraform Scripts (WIP)

			- MetaData for VPC | Subnets

			  provider "aws" {
			    region = "us-east-1" # Change to the region you want to query
			  variable "vpc_id" {}
			  data "aws_vpc" "selected" {
			    id = var.vpc_id
			  resource "aws_subnet" "example" {
			    vpc_id            =
			    availability_zone = "us-west-2a"
			    cidr_block        = cidrsubnet(data.aws_vpc.selected.cidr_block, 4, 1)
			- Script Workspaces Directory

			  provider "aws" {
			    region = "us-east-1"
			  resource "aws_workspaces_directory" "example" {
			    directory_name       = "example-workspace-directory"
			    subnet_ids           = ["subnet-1234567890"]
			    enable_work_docs     = false
			    self_service_enabled = true
			    security_group_ids   = ["sg-1234567890"]
			    ip_group_ids         = ["ipg-1234567890"]
			  resource "aws_workspaces_workspace" "example" {
			    bundle_id      = "wsb-bundle-id"
			    directory_id   =
			    user_name      = "example-user"
			    root_volume_encryption_enabled = true
## SMB NAS Demo Method

### Option Method 1

- NAS File System S3 App API

  This method uses the third party S3 complaint software to target S3 storage bucket using AWS programmatic keys as security dimension and stores the target S3 bucket parameters. Furthermore the data transfer scheduling and bandwidth limits are also handed by the API on the Network attached server.
### Option Method 2

- Hyperconverged NAS

	- Import or copy to hypervisor

	  Create Local Endpoint Gateway and follow the instructions to deploy VMware ESXi virtual machine.

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