Byte Runner Partner


1999, IT IS IN A STATE OF UPHEAVAL. Companies are starting to virtualize their servers. Broadband access to the Internet is becoming affordable for medium-sized companies. Software becomes a service. The first MANAGED SERVICE PROVIDERS take over IT operations for their customers. From their studies, three still students found a system house that will do it differently from the outset than the “box pushers” who dominate the market. BETTER AND ABOVE ALL MORE PERSONAL.

The concept works. byterunner is growing fast because the company sees itself as a service provider that solves the problems of its customers IN PARTNERSHIP and WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY. Soon, the team will be running its customers’ IT in their OWN DATA CENTER.

2019, IT IS IN TRANSITION AGAIN. Virtualization has become CLOUD COMPUTING. The cloud makes DIGITALIZATION possible and a new INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: it can transform businesses and business models, make cities smarter and change the way we live and work. The student start-up has become a company with 30 EMPLOYEES, which continues to move fast. That no longer implements IT projects only in Germany, but also provides services for its customers in OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES and even in the USA.


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